13/9 19.00 - Salnecke slottscafé, Örsundsbro
17/9 - Sjöhuset, Sthlm
26/9 18.30 - Gamla enskede bryggeri, Sthlm
21/9 - Private event, Sthlm
28/9 - Livekarusellen
14/8 20.00 - Noels bar, Sthlm16/8 19.00 - Skeer, Orsa(Opening act for Bo Kaspers Orkester)17/8 20.00 - Lilla sällskapet, Orsa21/8 19.00 - Jessies musikcafé, Sthlm24/8 20.00 - Jhonnys, Sthlm25/8 19.00 - Konstenskap, Sthlm
30/5 - Nomad, Sthlm
7/6 - Private event, Sthlm
11/6 - Private ceremony, Sthlm
10/7 - Kaskad, Sthlm
20/7 - Kanaans Trädgårdscafé, Sthlm
26/7 - PDOL, Pensionatet, Piteå
27/7 - Sävenäs Pop & Visfestival, Skellefteå
29/7 - Tuvangården café, Skellefteå
If you’re a fan of Deborah’s work and want to show your support, please consider making a donation. Every contribution, no matter the amount, encourages her to create & reccord more music. Your love and generosity are greatly appreciated.